Thursday, 17 October 2013

photography inital memory idea

 future memories

for this task we were asked to produce a photograph which portrays a future memory. 

I chose to use a still image of an old photograph. The image is of my sister on her 21st birthday excited about blowing out her birthday candles, which is an obvious stereotypical birthday event. I chose for the still image to be in black in white to covey that the picture is old, or existed in the past. I then held the black and white cut out still image in front of the same place where it was taken. I did this to show how the place has changed since the event. In order to show this I left the background in colour. To improve I feel i could have chosen a picture that had a background with more colour, as the photo looks quite dull and its meant to be a celebration.  

Egg photographs


For this task we were asked to acknowledge how lighting can affect the mood and feel of a photograph, and what effect this conveyed to an audience. The brief that was set was to show a certain emotion through an egg. In my group we decided to portray various different emotions this being sexy and passionate. 

For our sexy portrayal we chose to position the egg in front of red lips as red is a seductive colour, our aim was to make it look like the lips were kissing the egg to make our image more seductive we chose to hold a light reflector to lighten the egg on one side and half the face this darkened the image giving it more emotion. I feel this image did portray a sexy emotion how ever I feel if we had darkened the lighting more the emotion could have been stronger.

Sexy egg image

Lighter sexy egg image

The other images emotion i wanted to portray is passion we chose to hold to eggs behind a board with a light behind it this created a very mysterious effect. Leaving the two eggs awaiting to meet almost like Romeo and Juliet. This I feel was successful however maybe could have put a colour on the board like red as it is more of a passionate colour.

Passionate eggs