The task I was set was to make a time line of things that symbolised events that we had experienced that week. In order to create my timeline I took various photos that I had taken the previous week that represented things that I had done. In doing this I decided to put a twist to my work I printed off the picture and decided to take a picture of the picture in a place can could signify something different. I took these in different places around the O2.
For example for this picture i chose the photo of the baby face, that i took from the Design museum. The reason i chose to place the baby face in front of a person is to show the difference from being a child to an adult. Showing how you can grow in time and could represent how the student has brought the memories of being a child with her. I thought this was successful as it could be interpreted as various different meanings.
For this photo I chose my receipt as a representation of something I did that week. The reason I chose the receipt was because it was a receipt for Wasabi, I had never had Wasabi before until I that week so it was something memorable for that week. I took the photograph of the receipt on a wasabi set out table as I thought it would be relevant as that was the Wasabi restaurant I tried it at.
The image that Im holding up is of the creation I made at the Memory Palace. Everyone was allowed to draw there own picture on the poster and that is what I drew. I chose this as I have never done anything like that before.When taking the picture for my timeline I thought it would be effective to hold it up like it was a poster as it was a picture of a part of one. Therefore I held it up like the other posters almost to represent what my poster could look like.
When taking this photo I thought i'd chose a panorama of the V&A. I feel the panorama captured the whole room. This was effective as usually when you take a photo you cant see everything but with a panorama you can. I held the image in front of white double doors to create the idea that behind the doors is the photo can that the doors can open into new memories.
The image I'm holding up is of the Pavilion that I visited the previous week. The pavilion I found is an interesting piece of architecture. I have never seen anything quite like it before which is why I chose it. I held the photo in the O2 space as I feel this linked with the image. I put the photo in front of the open space because to me the Pavilion can have various different interpretations and the open space could reflect this.
The next photo I chose for the timeline was a picture of the Memory Palace exhibition, the reason for the image is because Memory Palace was unlike any exhibition I have been to as you had to remember everything in there as no photographs or sketching were allowed. I put the photo in front of the Ravensbourne entrance as I will be making many new memories at the college.
The image i'm holding up is the heading of the design museum where I visited the future is here exhibition. I held it in that position and that place because I there is a future at the O2 as it is a major tourist attraction. It is very popular and based in a popular area. Therefore I thought it would be effective to place the exhibition heading pointing at the O2.